How to Show Up on ChatGPT
Showing up on page one of Google is likely one of your business goals. But search is changing day-by-day, especially with the introduction of AI and ChatGPT. Many people are now turning to AI for search recommendations. Like with voice search and many other new tech improvements, the field will get more crowded as time […]
9 Steps to Create a Killer Sales Page
Sales pages are tricky things. They are the pages that stand between your customer and a sale, and there’s a lot riding on them. But it’s easy to approach them the wrong way, focusing on what we’re selling rather than what they’re buying. And that’s a big difference.. People are buying results. They’re buying the […]
The Power of Email Marketing for Small Businesses in 2024
Email marketing gets a bad rap sometimes. Some people say it doesn’t even work anymore. But the truth is, email marketing continues to be a cornerstone marketing strategy for small businesses. This article will explore why email marketing remains crucial and how small businesses can effectively use it in 2024 by looking at: How different […]
The Ultimate Guide to Voice Search for Your Small Business
One of my best assistants is named Siri. Yep, that one. She never leaves my wrist and follows me around on my phone too. I might use her because I’m lazy, but I think really think I use her just because I’m busy. Siri is always there with a quick answer and I can ask […]
How to Create Social Media Ads that Work
If you’ve ever tried to stand out on social media, you know it’s no easy task. It can feel like you’re the proverbial polar bear in a snow storm. Targeted ads on social media are one way to get past that. But even with paid advertising, the click-through rate (CTR) for a social media ad […]
How the Trail to the Sale™ Can Help You Market Your Business
By Janice Hostager About fifteen years ago, after moving from a big city to a college town in Wisconsin, I decided to open a little design agency. Since it was just me, at first, I got new business by word-of-mouth. (Pro tip: if you live in a smaller community, a local Chamber of Commerce can […]
9 Things to Do Today to Grow Your Instagram Following
For many businesses, Instagram is a no-brainer for marketing. It offers you a platform where you can connect with your customers in an authentic way and set yourself apart from the millions of other brands. The problem is that there are so many different ways to use Instagram and it’s hard to know which ones […]
5 Social Media Mistakes that will Eat Up your Time
I love a lot of things about social media. For a business owner, it’s obvious that it’s free marketing. As a bootstrapper (and overall bargain hunter), there are a million people using social media every day, making it a powerful tool for reaching and engaging almost any online audience. But there is a hidden cost […]
How to Sell on Social Media
To some business owners, social media can look like wasted effort. It takes a lot of time, requires some skill, and it’s hard to draw the line to connect social media to sales. But what if I told you, it’s very possible to sell on social media? In fact, I’ve done it–many times. The first […]
How to Get More Website Traffic
“How do I get more traffic to my website?” That’s a question I get asked a lot. And it’s an important question to ask. Many of us do not have a brick-and-mortar location, so our website becomes our front door–in a very crowded neighborhood. Last time I talked about search engine optimization (SEO). This week, […]